Friday, February 7, 2014

Allegheny Western Lines

I would be remiss if I didn't take some time to thank the Allegheny Western Lines group out of Fort Washington, PA (near Philly). I got to spend some time with them in early 2004, before moving to Florida. Since returning north, they've been more than generous to allow me to operate on their NMRA standard modular layout several times at Greenburg shows in Edison, NJ.

In August of 2013, they were kind enough to allow me to bring a module to their setup. I have photos and descriptions of that module in a separate blog thread, but I wanted to include some photos of the 8/13 setup.

An overview of the setup, including (to the right of the photo) the ingenious lift bridge that allows members to enter the inside of the layout without having to 'duck under' a module. When lifted, the bridge turns off power to the surrounding modules.
An industrial module set.
Chris' "Ever-Expanding" yard.
Another industrial area.

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